Juan Carlos I
美 [ˈdʒʊən ˈkɑrloʊs aɪ]英 [ˈdʒu:ən ˈkɑːləʊz aɪ]
- 网络胡安·卡洛斯一世;西班牙国王

Juan Jose
Juan Martin del Potro
Juan Mata
Juan Silveira dos Santos
Juan Terry Trippe
Juancheng Railway Station
Judd Gregg
Jude the obscure
Judge a book by its cover
judicial branch
Juan Antonio Samaranch
Ju County
Jrue Holiday
Jozy Altidore
Joyce Mina Godenzi
Joyce Cheng
Joyce Banda
Journal Tribuna de Macau
Journal of Zhejiang University